The Genius toothbrush from Oral-B is all about helping you brush your teeth better. With embedded sensing, control, and connectivity technology, the intelligent toothbrush can tell if you’re brushing properly, or whether you’re pressing too hard and concentrating too much—or not enough—on specific sections of your mouth.
Research has shown the strong correlation between good oral health and overall health, so regular brushing habits and proper technique are important to a healthy lifestyle. The Genius toothbrush, which contains an ST accelerometer and a microcontroller, can make a powerful contribution.
The advanced, rechargeable toothbrush features revolutionary position detection, which works with the camera and facial-recognition software running in an app on your smartphone to guide your brushing, zone to zone. The toothbrush also ensures you brush with the right level of pressure and visually alerts you if you brush too hard. Finally, a built-in timer ensures that you’ve brushed your teeth for the correct amount of time. While powerfully employing electronics to monitor brushing, the toothbrush wouldn’t be a Genius if it didn’t also feature a unique rounded brush head, inspired by dental tools, to surround each tooth for a thorough cleaning.