Someday soon, self-driving cars will be a reality everywhere. But even before then, Smart Driving technology will have made them safer, greener and more connected. An important waypoint in…
In Application Examples, Internet of Things, Smart Things
Are You Ready for Some (Smart) Football?
September 8, 2016
Americans are preparing to kick off the 2016 (American) football season tonight. And while they do, the sporting-goods manufacturer Wilson is looking to help bring fans closer to the…
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ESD SIM : “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Is This ESD Protector the Fairest of Them All?”
September 7, 2016
Electronic devices must operate in increasingly harsher environments. As sensors multiply and components are embedded in everyday items, such as clothing, circuits must withstand greater shocks, or humidity. Therefore, designers have…
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Wearable applications including activity and fitness trackers, smart gloves, glasses, watches and headphones all use sensors to monitor what’s going on. And when more than one sensing device is…
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Small connected home appliances, smart lights, and motion controllers become popular when they find a solution to one of their greatest challenges : offering maximum performance while maintaining the lowest…
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In Application Examples, Our products, Smart Things
PIQ Thrives Under Pressure, ST’s LPS25HB Pressure Sensor at the Service of Athletes
August 24, 2016
The arrival of wearable technologies has changed the world of sports, and PIQ is one of the founding players of this revolution. The company designed the 13-axis multi-sport PIQ sensor that…
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Following the recent post on ST’s latest low-voltage motor drivers, we now have a new video that shows how to use the STM32 Open Development Environment to drive the…
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In Smart Driving, Application Examples
Automotive Radar – A Tale of Two Frequencies
August 19, 2016
Ever since Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that radio waves were reflected by metallic objects, engineers have been putting the discovery to use in many range- and direction-finding applications. The technique…
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In Our products
World Record : VL53L0X, the Smallest Time-of-Flight Sensor Gets More Powerful
August 19, 2016
Many electronic devices must be able to detect the world around them in order to function properly. A zoom cannot autofocus, an automatic faucet cannot start or stop, a…
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In Application Examples, Our products, Smart Driving
STM32 MCUs Are Up to the Solar-Car Challenge
August 15, 2016
The 2016 American Solar Challenge is complete and the winner is the University of Michigan Solar Car team that was sponsored, in part, by ST. The University of Michigan team…