The eighth edition of the NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day will take place on November 20, 2019, in our offices in Naples, and we invite exhibitors and attendees to register before it’s too late. Last year’s initiative was highly successful (see “NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2018: Local Initiative, Global Impact”) because it mixed futuristic demos with the latest technical presentations and the ability to network with local companies and institutions. We are thus renewing the experience and are planning for an even more meaningful event thanks to modern projects and presentations. There will also be delegates from the Confindustria Campania, the chapter of the General Confederation of Italian Industry for the southern region of Campania, to further the ambitions of our local partners and promote the tech community in this region.
NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2019: Smart Agriculture, Smart Cities, and AI

The first significant benefit of the NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2019 will be to bring new and thought-provoking demos to local students, engineers, and decision-makers. It’s easy for small companies to feel left out if they can’t attend large trade shows in Las Vegas or even Europe. Bringing talent and innovation to more communities is thus crucial. For instance, people who participated in the 2018 edition got to see a smart city solution from the University of Rome that uses the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery Kit to manage trash collection operations to optimize pickup routes and fleets. Similarly, we’re expecting the hydroponic greenhouse that the Universities in the Campania region presented at the Maker Faire Rome 2019 to also attend this event and show how sensors can transform smart agriculture.
The NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2019 is a great place for startups and corporations to showcase their latest innovations. Last year, Dodotronics presented a microphone that houses an STM32F7 microcontroller. This year, the device can use machine learning to measure the impact of wind farms on the bat population or predict a future problem in the operation of a motor. Another exciting demo came from SYENMAINT, an Italian company that uses our components and software packages to build a smart industry cloud structure. Its modularity allows it to target a wide array of factories, including train tracks maintenance. Finally, the conference enables the school to showcase the progress they are making on a particular technology. For instance, Impalab showed again their Brain-Computer Interface that can target a place on the screen if the user focuses on it.
NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2019: Expertise and Networking

The NeaPolis Innovation Technology Day 2019 is also an excellent opportunity to learn more about new products and technologies. Attendees get access to ST specialists and engineers who can then answer their questions. This year, the sessions will focus on STM32MP1, the first STM32 MPU, and our STM32H7 dual-core. DPControl will then follow up with an overview of how engineers can use Deep Learning with practical hardware examples. We will also hold a workshop on the, the more powerful sensor platform. These sessions will help attendees take advantage of the innovations that will shape 2019 and 2020. As new and more powerful MCUs and MPUs enable machine learning, complex graphical user interfaces, and easy-to-use Linux machines, it is essential to understand how to take advantage of the extra power and how the new features can benefit existing projects and applications.
The talks are an extension of the work that our local office is trying to do all year long. As the video above shows, we held the Neapolis Innovation Workshops 2019 last April to help local talents transition to new technologies. We also held a Summer Campus and a HackFest in August and September, respectively, to shine a light on what university students and local actors can do and offer them a platform to present their ideas and innovations to the world. The winners of the HackFest event get to present their work at the Neapolis Innovation Technology Day 2019. The event thus becomes a great networking event that allows for meetings that would not have been possible otherwise.
- Register for the Neapolis Innovation Technology Day 2019