Chinese motorcycle manufacturers produce about 15 million motorcycles per year with about 60% of that production used in China. Now, the Chinese government is moving to promote better emission performance and reduction of fuel consumption. They are implementing IV Motorcycle legislation from July 1, 2018. Achieving the goals, which require all motorcycles be compliant from July 1, 2019, is only possible using Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI).
The China IV motorcycle legislation builds on Euro IV, currently the world’s most stringent emission standard by referencing and incorporating impose even more stringent requirements on motorcycles and scooters. For example, China IV reduces THC (Total Hydro Carbons) emission from motorcycles by nearly 50%; CO (Carbon Monoxide), 43% and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide), 40-53% compared with the current China III emission standard.
As a strong global leader with more than 30 years of experience in semiconductors for automotive markets, ST’s portfolio highlights its Smarter, Cleaner, and Greener approach. These products address customers’ needs with innovative, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. One of these is among the world’s smallest Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) control systems. ST offers a fully integrated solution that includes a BCD driver, an automotive Microcontroller, and an IGBT. Together this solution exceeds the China IV Motorcycle requirements.

The L9177A
L9177A integrates a 5V main voltage regulator, a 5V 40mA tracking regulator for sensor supply, and a 2.5mA 5V standby regulator. All this in a 10x10mm TQFP that can provide the full set of power supplies and signal pre-processing peripherals needed to control the 2-cylinder internal combustion engines common to small motorcycles. Moreover, as an automotive-quality peripheral for low-end engine control, it lowers the complexity of the entire system and meets the critical application requirements of a small cycle or scooter.
STs small-engine EFI demo ECU
SPC560P Line MCUs
SPC560P 32-bit MCUs for automotive chassis and safety applications are available with as much as 1M Flash, 80M RAM, and plenty of peripherals. These peripherals include a 10-bit A/D, LIN and CAN buses, and an eTimer. Together the microcontrollers can cover a wide range of scooter-engine EMS, motor control, and safety-oriented applications.

Late last year, ST organized SmartEngine EFI Technology Days in both Taizhou and Chongqing. These cities are the two key centers of motorcycle production in China. The events attracted more than 300 professionals from 90 companies. More important, they provided a valuable opportunity for them to learn about ST’s Smarter, Cleaner, and Greener solutions.
Now, with the China IV Motorcycle legislation looming, manufacturers in China see the need to upgrade their already formidable manufacturing capabilities. They know they must further transform themselves into innovative, high-quality, high-technology global competitors.